Mr. Rajith Perera
Partner, EY Sri Lanka
Mr. Rajith Perera is a Partner at EY Sri Lanka. He is an experienced financial consultant with a combined experience of Accounting and Financial Services Risk Management. Rajith leads the largest and the only full time quantitative financial services risk team in Sri Lanka.
He carries extensive experience with the financial services sector in the areas of Accounting, Structuring and valuation of Derivatives, Credit Risk Measuring techniques, Market & Operational Risk Measuring Techniques, Assessing Portfolio Quality for financial institutions, Quantification of other Pillar 1 and Pillar 2 Risks for financial institutions, Capital Adequacy, Treasury Advisory and Rajith is an EY accredited trainer. Rajith’s continues to work on IFRS 9 Implementation and Validation Projects in Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Nepal & Maldives. Rajith Carries more than 15 Years of experience with EY Sri Lanka and account for more than 17 years of overall experience. Rajith is an Associate Member of Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka & Chartered Institute of Management.