Mr. Surendra Shrestha FCA

Council Member, ICA Nepal

He has more than 15 years of experience in audit practice, taxation, and consultancy. He had spent over 5 years in performing extensive audit and assurance services in his initial phase of professional career in Banskota & Company, a reputed chartered accountancy firm of Nepal which was a first affiliated firm of Baker Tilly in Nepal, started since 2001.

He was involved as an active engagement team member for statutory and tax audit of various Banks and Financial Institutions and other listed companies. Further, he was extensively engaged in the special Investigation of Project Loan by Office of Auditor General & Comptroller besides being a team member of due diligence team appointed for Merger and Acquisition of some Banks and Financial Institutions.

He had presented paper related to IFRS/NFRS on many occasions including presentation of GAP analysis for NFRS on Insurance Companies (Life & Non-Life) jointly organized by ICAN and Insurance Board of Nepal (Beema Samiti) for all the Board Members and senior representatives of Life & Non-life Insurance companies in Nepal. In addition, he has recently presented paper on international updates of IFRS, workshop organized by ICAN to the participants representing state owned enterprises of Nepal.